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Occasionally owners of very active dogs come to my office convinced that their dogs are hyperactive and have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders. Do these conditions really exist in dogs?

Hyperactivity is “a rare clinical syndrome characterized by overactivity, attention deficits, impulsivity, high resting basal physiologic parameters and a paradoxical calming response to amphetamines.1 Labeling these dogs as “hyperkinetic” may be clearer; they do not habituate to normal stimuli, are reactive, and cannot seem to rest even in calm, quiet surroundings. Within veterinary practice, the condition appears to be rather rare. The signs noted by owners are usually attributable to breed dispositions, conditioned behavior, or lack of appropriate outlets for activity and exercise.

Signalment of Hyperkinesis
True hyperkinesis is often presented in adult dogs (age 3 years and older) that have not learned to settle upon reaching social maturity. Physiologic measures consist of increased heart and respiratory rates, low body condition score, and failure to habituate to external stimuli. The dogs appear agitated and reactive and cannot settle. They remain emotionally aroused in the absence of significant stimuli or for a prolonged period upon removal of the stimuli. They may not ever habituate to common household stimuli, such as appliances turning on and off or people going about their normal routines.

It is imperative to differentiate between behaviors that are abnormal and those that are normal but unwanted. In taking the patient’s history, you should elicit an accurate description of unwanted behaviors; the rate and intensity of their occurrences; and whether the dog has adequate exercise, social interaction, and exploration. You should examine the daily management of the pet over an average 24-hour period, noting when it eats, exercises, and obtains enrichment. You should also assess the quality of those interactions and the time the pet spends alone or confined. The way the family responds to unwanted behaviors is informative and often reveals deficiencies in social contact and physical exercise, a lack of appropriate training, the use of punishment, or an environment in which the animal has learned to use physical activity to get attention.

Discrete descriptions of the areas of concern are essential. Owners should clearly elucidate the behavioral pattern of the unwanted behavior (such as jumping on visitors, barking out the window, pulling on the leash, and not following commands). Determine any circumstances in which the dog will settle and be calm. Ask whether hiking, vigorous walks, or playtime result in a calmer, well-mannered dog. Ask questions about aggression directed toward family or visitors.

Few dogs are diagnosed with true hyperkinesis. Thus, in most cases in which an owner reports hyperactivity, the initial treatment should address the need for adequate daily exercise and stimulation.

Encourage owners to consider the following:
• Use control devices (head halters and no-pull harnesses) to allow walks to take place.
• Provide mental engagement using puzzles and food-dispensing toys.
• Refrain from using punishment so that anxiety associated with owner interactions decreases.
• Identify the desired behaviors rather than focusing on what the dog must “stop” doing.
• Attend training classes that focus on reinforcement to teach the desired responses.
• Assess behavioral changes at 2- to 4-week intervals and schedule rechecks as necessary.

Hope you have enjoyed reading! This information was obtained through Clinician’s Brief, a publication on NAVC.

Dr. Ekstrom

May 2010